CS Superheroes!
Larry Page
Famously known for co-founding and creating Google. He became the CEO twice. He got a Bachelor of science in computer engineering at the University of Michigan and Masters of science at Stanford University in computer science.
More information:
Academy of Achievement/
Elizabeth Feinler
Elizabeth and her team worked together when the internet was being developed to create name registries of top-level domains: .com, .org, .edu, .gov, . mil, ect.
More information:
Women in Technology International
Internet Hall of Fame
Kartheinz Brandenburg
Kartheninz Brandenburg is best known for his development of the MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3.) He is described as the driving force behind modern cyber audio technology, and has impacted major organizations such as the ISO (International Standardization Organization).
More information:
Internet Hall of Fame